Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Early History Of Islam - 1297 Words

THE EARLY HISTORY OF ISLAM Lily Grote HUM 2020: Introduction to the Humanities December 1st, 2015 The history of the Islamic religion begins in 610 C.E., with Muhammad ibn Abdallah, a merchant who every year during the month of Ramadan would â€Å"retire to a cave on the summit of Mount Hira, just outside Mecca in the Arabian Hijaz, where he prayed, fasted and gave alms to the poor.† This was a common practice for many Arabs in the peninsula. Muhammad was a merchant, a member of the tribe Quraysh which had become quite wealthy trading among bordering countries. The Quraysh were focused on accumulating more wealth but at the expense of the tribe’s poorer family groups, known as clans. A â€Å"spiritual restlessness† had become apparent among many of the Arab countries, as they knew that Judaism and Christianity were more refined than the Arab’s own pagan customs. Many Arabs began to believe that they were left out by al-Lah (the High God of their pantheon, literally meaning â€Å"the God†) because they were not sent a prophet or scripture such as Jesus, the Bible, or the Torah in that of the Christian and Jewish religions. Muhammad himself had most likely never heard of the Christian prophets. Oftentimes, the Jews and followers of Christ taunted the Arabs for not being a part of the divine plan. On the 17th day of Ramadan, 610 C.E., Muhammad awoke from his slumber by an overpowering presence that squeezed him so tightly that the word of a new Arab scripture fell from hisShow MoreRelated Hughes Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate1170 Words   |  5 PagesHughes Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate In the Hughes’ text, Women in World History: Volume 1, the chapter on Middle Eastern women focuses on how Islam affected their lives. 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Which is all a misconception only conceived by non- muslims or people who might not have much knowledge in Islam. If they were to look deeper they would be astonished to see a womans worth in Islam and all the rights given towards women. And how women in Islamic history helped shape the religion. Some prominent Muslim women throughout Islamic history and modern times are from the following: Khadija b. Khuwaylid , Nusayba b. Ka’b al- Ansariyya, A’isha b. Abi Bakr, Al- Malika al-Read MoreAccount for the Spread of Islam from Its Beginnings to Ad 600c1115 Words   |  5 PagesAccount for the spread of Islam from its beginnings to c.660AD Islam is a monotheistic religion founded around 615AD by Mohammed. In its early days, many people rejected it, but now it is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Exploring the reason for its rapid spread, we look at its roots and early rulers, particularly its founder, Mohammed. Mohammed was born in Mecca in 570AD. 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Officially named AbÃ… « al-QÄ sim Muá ¸ ¥ammad ibn Ê ¿Abd AllÄ h ibn Ê ¿Abd al-Muá ¹ ­Ã¡ ¹ ­alib ibn HÄ shim, the prophet once urged his followers to â€Å"say what is true, even though it may be bitter and displeasing to others.† It is with this notion that Muhammad lived his life doing what he believed to be right, and preaching what

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