Thursday, March 19, 2020

Media horror trailer breif Essays

Media horror trailer breif Essays Media horror trailer breif Essay Media horror trailer breif Essay For my media coursework I will be making a horror film trailer, this will be done by filming and editing ourselves. The sub genre of our trailer is a slasher film (sometimes referred to as body count films and dead teenager movies) involving a psychopathic killer, who stalks and murders a series of victims, in this case teenagers as it follows the typical conventions of a slasher, which helps the audience associated the trailer to a certain genre, also another trademark for this type is that the killer wears a mask to hide his/her identity. Although this is a well used method, it still leaves the audience in panic. I studied past years horror trailers and analysed what worked, and what didnt, I found the more successful trailers used teenagers as the victims and sound tracked with an eerie, fast paced song brought more tension to the trailer as it doesnt give the audience much insight on how the film will out end, but leaves enigma codes to suggest possible outcomes. It highlighted that even the smallest elements, such as a tree in the background, can ruin the mise-en-scene. We learnt filming and editing techniques by creating short films. Also we studied a Channel 4 TV programme, 50 Scarriest Moments and depicted the most effective methods used to create impact on its target audience. The target audience will be aimed at the 15-24 year old bracket and by using teenage characters it allows the viewer to be able to relate to these victims and increases the disturbing atmosphere so that they can maintain interest in the text. The title for the film will be Basement, the audience can also relate t o this as most houses have a basement which they feel comfortable in, so this trailer will go against this and present what evil can occur in a place where some feel safe. A usual assumption with horror films is that itll leave you in discomfort and fear of whats safe but the genre also has its pleasures. These are because when youre in a cinema or at home watching a film youre in the comfort of others and you can escape from reality and live anothers life, but without the physical pain, which cant be done any other way, but films allow this. I would categorize this as a date movie because its not overly gory, like in splasher style films such as the Saw trilogy where it can leave the audience feeling slightly nauseous. The function of a trailer is to advertise the final film which would be for theatrical release at cinemas. The narrative will follow a non-linear pattern and fits into Todorovs theory. It will consist of an equilibrium, dis-equilibrium and a new equilibrium. The trailer will depict snapshots of various scenes and will have a un-close ending, this is so the whole storyline is completely given away so it leaves the audience with questions that provoke them to go see the full length film. The character playing the killer in the trailer is a tall, well built male with ragged, long hair. In terms of iconography, a large male fits into a stereotype used commonly throughout horror genres. Clothing is also used to represent good and bad characters as certain colours have connotations, for example the killer would be wearing a dark, scruffy coat with glimpses of red to symbolise danger and evil, but the teenagers would wear lighter colours to show innocence and purity. It wont be a dis-figuered human or even monster-like but instead a normal looking man which you may least expect to conatin so muc h evil, can be more frightening as youd expect them to be harmless. The trailer will have a fast paced song that builds tension, supported by quick cuts and dynamic transitions to keep the audience engaged. Simple techniques that can be use to represent time, mood, place and events will be added, for example, putting a grey scale onto a clip symbolises it was in the past or was one of the characters memories. Also if seens containing danger are shot with a low-key lighting it will suggest the sinister thret. In terms of music i will mainly using a song from an professional artist, but to create sound effects and to select how the music builds up i can experiment with a programme called Garage Band. The trailer will be topped off with a voice-over spoken in a deap, male tone which could be represented or linked to the killer. The editing software i will use to edit the trailer will be Sony Vegas 7.0 and possibly I-Movie which is on Apple Mac computers, the scenes will be filmed used a mini-DV camera attached to a tripod when needed to get still shots and panning shots without it looking like a home movie. Tasks are shared within the group so we all do an equal load.

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